Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jin.:*:.Spirit within the wind.:*:.Lemon one-shot (Request for xSystemsfadingx13)

Name: Chieme Urameshi
Age: 15
Race: Human, with some demon blood
Family: Yusuke's twin sister
Looks: Picture is up above
(Except she has Yusuke's brown eyes)
Powers: None, can only fight.
Junior High or High School: Junior High
Personality: sweet, ditzy, funny, clutz, kind, always helping others in need, known to pout at Yusuke a lot (always makes him laugh at her) when angry, she is known to smack or punch someone she doesnt like. Kuwabara calls her 'silly Me Me' cause she is always triping on something. Known to hide behind Kurama or Hiei when she sees someone she likes.
Horoscope Sign: Pisces


Like many times before you walked out of your class and headed towards the front of the school, the closer you got you saw him and Kuwarbara arguing. Smiling as you approached them you went to punch Yusuke only for him to grab your wrist.
“Chieme.” He says ending his arugement with Kuwabara, he pulls you into his arms hugging you then adds with a whisper. “You shouldn’t try to sneak on me like that.”
“Yo Me Me.” Kuwabara says with his usual smile, then Botan and Keiko walked up behind them smiling too.
“Yo Crowbar.” You laugh as did Yusuke.
“Hey Chieme.” Keiko and Botan say hugging you.
“Hey, so what’s up for tonight Yu?” You asked your brother, he smiles.
“Botan says we have some fighting to do.” He laughs, you nodded.
“Let’s go bro!” You say enthusiastically, he smiles and nods. You, Botan, Keiko, Kuwabara and Yusuke all meet up with Hiei and Kurama.
“KURAMA!!” You shout seeing him and Hiei standing against the wall near the park, he smiles seeing you as Hiei sighs.
“What that for Hiei?” You asked him after hugging Kurama and letting the red head go.
“Nothing.” He simply replies as Botan leads the way. You shrugged your shoulders, then walked behind with Keiko in silence watching around in search for our next target. Out of nowhere there jumps the demon his minicing eyes looked around, Hiei unsleathed his katana and began to strike the demon. Until he was thrown into the nearest tree, that is when Kurama swings his rose whip slashing parts of the demon’s skin.
“Kurama this demon is an S-class.” Botan shouts suddenly, Kurama looks over his shoulder as the demon drops to its knees.
“Kurama!” You all shout as the demon regains its strength sending Kurama flying next to Hiei.
“Chieme, go aid Kurama and Hiei.” Yusuke says, then looks to Kuwabara. “Kuwabara to protect Botan and Keiko.” He added. You helped up both Hiei and Kurama as you started to wrap up Hiei’s mid-section, you looked over your shoulder seeing your brother winning. You then turned back around looking at Kurama as you walked over kneeling to him.
“CHIEME!” You hear Yusuke shout, just as you turn you see a figure before you.

.::Yusuke’s POV::.
I was finally getting the demon down, I saw how Chieme was wrapping up Hiei. I looked to the demon pointing my finger as I ready for my shot, aiming as the demon looked to Chieme and takes off. I tried to rush over thinking I wouldn’t make it I ran as fast as I could and shouted out “CHIEME!” I smiled seeing as I was not late, Jin stood over smiling as he used his hurricane fist to push back the demon.

.::Back to regular POV::.
You blinked several times seeing the red haired, blue eyed man. Your eyes roaming his body, then they turned to the demon as it slowly started to stand. Anger now flashed in your eyes as you walked passed the red head and started beating the living crap out of the demon for trying to kill you.
“BAKA!!” You screamed punching the demon with all your might. Just as the demon falls to its knees you hovered over it and collided your fist once more in its face then put your hands on your hips looking at the demon, like it better stay down like a good little doggie. You smiled then turn around seeing everyones but the red head smiling, his expression was of utter shock.
“That’s my little sister!” Yusuke says smiling from ear to ear, his grin looked like a smiling dummy where his smile didn’t end. Kurama and Hiei stood up, you walked over to your brother and stood behind him as the one who saved you smiles warmly.
“Hello Yusuke.” He says, his voice like velvet rolling off at the tip of his tongue. You turn around walking behind Kurama, looking over his shoulder as you stare in Awe at him. Kurama smiles as you look at him but says nothing, Yusuke looks around in search of something or rather someone.
“Yeah she was just here, Oi you know-” Yusuke starts to say as you see Kurama look over his shoulder.
“You should know Yusuke she does that all the time.” Kuwabara speaks up, as Kurama smiles again. You walk over to Kuwabara and stomp on his foot.
“OW!” He shouts.
“Cram it hammer head that was not cool!” You yell back, as you and Kuwabara argue everyone watches. Yusuke walks over pulling you in his arms, he kisses the top of you head.
“Onii-sama.” You mumbled as he lets you go.
“Let’s go home Onee-chan.” He said pulling you with him, you nodded. As you, and everyone start to walk off Yusuke stops meeting the blue eyed man, you of course not looking up.
“Later Jin.” Yusuke says.
“Oh lad, it’s a tad bit late. Another day perhaps, a pleasure to meet ya’ lass.” He said, you blushed.
“Hai you too.” You whisper but enough for him and Yusuke to hear, leading the way home as it soon came to only; you, Yusuke and Keiko. Yusuke lets you go as you wait against the front gate of Keiko’s home. He kisses her upon her lips and waits for her to enter, then turns to leave.
“Ready?” You ask as he stops and nods.
“Yeah lets go.” He laughs.

---12 weeks later---
“Me Me.” Kuwabara calls, you peek your head through.
“What?” You annoyingly asked, he pats the seat next to him.
“I want to ask you something, but don’t laugh ok.” He says, you nod.
“I’ll try my best.” You sarcastically reply.
“Ok you know Yukina ne, do you think she would ever-” He starts but blushes cherry red trailing off in his words, you quirked a brow.
“Ever what hammer head?” You ask, as you started to grow an anime vien.
“Oh yea…how would I win her over you know her love.” He says snapping back after what seemed for ever.
“Wait.” You say trying to hold in the laughter that quivered to your lips. You looked over at Hiei as you see his annoyed expression. “Ha you love her don’t yea you big lug.” You say finally laughing as you hold your sides.
“Me Me.” He says blushing harder from embarrassment. You stood up and walked into the kitchen, then walk backwards seeing someone you thought you wouldn’t see again; Jin. He sees you there and smiles as you continued to back up, then bumped into something. Looking over your shoulder you see that you bumped into the other red hair green eyed fox boy; Kurama. He turns seeing you and smiles. He turns around and you rushed behind him, he laughs lightly as Jin walks into the room.
“You made it.” Yusuke says and shakes hands with him. Again you peek from around Kurama staring at Jin once again, Kurama leans towards your face. You look up seeing how close he was and blush his warm breath send shivers down your spine.
“Why don’t you go talk to him Chieme?” Kurama asked and just like that Kuwabara bounces up and pushes your forward, making you fall right towards Jin and Yusuke.

---Later that night---
You slowly walked out of your bedroom, hoping you didn’t wake Botan or Yukina. Just passing your brother’s bedroom, hearing faint sounds echoing. You smiled to yourself and walk on into the living room, seeing Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama sleeping on the spare beds.
“Oh there ye are lass, care for some?” You hear being asked, you looked to see some apple juice in a cup infront of your face. You gladly take it, sipping it then placed it back down on the counter.
“Couldn’t sleep?” You asked him, he smiles.
“Not really since I could hear Keiko and Yusuke for the last half hour with these ears of mine.” He softly laughs seeing his ears twitch, unknowly you reach out and touch his elf like ears. He grasp your hand and pulls you into his chest, you glup then hear his rapid heart beat.
“Jin.” You call for no reason, he lets you go and his expression changes not meeting your gaze. You cup is chin lifting his gaze up seeing and unknown reason behind his soft loving blue eyes.
“Chieme, I am sorry mi’lady.” He says rather sadly, right there brought you in. You leaned in placing a soft, passionate kiss on his lips. Not long after he kisses back, biting your lower lip playfully. You pull away, grabbing his hand in yours as you lead him to the guest room. Closing the door as you pull him once again to your lips, you bite on his lower lip earning a low yets stubtitle gasped giving you access into his mouth. Your tongue dancing in rythym to his you draw back your tongue as he follows your tongue to your mouth again trying to gain what dominance you had took. He lowers your body down on the bed slowly trailing his hands down the buttons of your shirt, unbuttoning it as he trails is warm soft lips down your chin and nibbling your neck. You gasp out lowly as he finds your soft spot, you arched your chest up feeling the sensation guivering between your thighs. Jin easily removes your shirt and bra, trailing his soft hot lips down the crevice of your chest while his right hand moves over your left breast. You arched your back as you feel his teeth nibble on your tender breast, he moves is tongue all around then guides his tongue to your right breast while he massaged it, giving the same treatment as before. Your panty began to dampen as you squirmed under his touch, giving in to many wimpers of his name. He trailed his tongue down your curves with his hands following not far behind, you looked down as your eyes meet once more with him giving you a pleading look. You nodded to him as he pulled your remaining article of clothing off tossing them aside, his face moved inbetween your thighs. He kissed down lifting your legs over his shoulder letting the rest on his back, feeling his tongue danced on your moist wet lips.
“J-jin.” You moaned out, hearing the sucking sounds. You mingled your finger tips in his hair feeling your soon release to come, almost near you arched your back once more making him go deeper with his tongue. Then a sudden feeling, digits enter your opening. One finger pumping at a slow pace then as his licks get more wet he added another, followed by the third pumping in and out; deep and hard. With your juices mixing with his saliva, you arched your head raising your chest.
“J-JIN!” You screamed cumming in his mouth. After coming down from your pleasing high you looked to Jin, his eye show such passion and lust for you that you quivered with delight. You leaned up into a sitting position then leaned forward crawling over to him, you kissed his lips tasting yourself as you stood up bringing him up with you. Trailing your lips from his down his chin, neck, chest, and stomach only stopping to the hem of his pants. You untied them letting his pants fall passed his ankles, you wrapped your fingers around his shaft. He closes his eyes, holding back his roaring moan as you started to jerk him in your hand up, and down. You leaned forward licking the tip of his head, while your free hand cupped his sac gently massaging them which finally you got him to moan your name. He loosely placed his fingers in your hair pushing you closer as you slowly take his head into your mouth licking the slit as you started to suck up and down his shaft with the help of your hand pumping and the other massaging. He groaned leaning his head back in pure bliss pushing your head in more almost making you gag him, slowly you deep throat him. As you came back to the tip of his head you started the lubercate him licking your tongue up and down stroking him faster and harder, knowing he was soon near his release as you hear his pants becoming quicker.
“C-CHIEME.” He moaned, and as he looked down to you. He smiles seeing your face creamed up of his cum, he leans down eye level and thumbs his juice from your lips as he claims them to his once more. Slowly lifting you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. You could feel his erection pobbing your rear, you soon felt the bed sheets hit your back. He puts his right hand below aiming himself towards your warm, wet entrance. He entered slowly, barely able to not give into the urge to thrust hard and rough. You blinked back tears feeling only a little bit of pain, your nails lightly scratching his back as he moved in and out, deeply as well. You were savoring the feel, but your body wanted more. Deciding to meet his thrust, you lifted up hitting him back as he came back in. He looked to you seeing the hunger for him to pound your lights out, Jin pulls out lifting your legs up off his waist and over his shoulder. Turning your body on your side her rammed hard and rough , thrusting in and out, fast and hard.
“Jin.” You moaned gripping the sheets as your mouth seemed to be unable to close. You panted out heavily as he groans, pulling out and pounding back in. He pulled out again, flipping you on all fours. Your body’s heat build up higher and higher, Jin once again thrust up. Your whole body jerked in pleasure as he pumped in and out, deep and hard only making your knuckles grip tighter. He felt your climax coming near, as you felt his. He thrust few more times feeling your wet walls cave in, pulling your hair forcing your back to touch his chest as he continued to thrust in and out of you.
“Naa…” You moaned then added as you climaxed. “JIN!”
“Hmmaaahh.” He moaned, thrusting in and out. He pulls out and rams back in as hard and fast as he could, he pulsed deep with in of you.
“C-Chieme.” He moaned, climaxing. His seed mixing with your juice as he pulls out leaving a trail of both your and his cum on the sheets, pulling you to him wrapping a cover over both of your bodies.
“Jin.” You call, laying your head on his chest after you turned to face him on your other side.
“Hm, lass.” He replies nuzzeling his face in your hair.
“I love you.” You say suddenly, the words from the depts of your heart.
“Aye lass, I be lovin’ you to.” He says, lifting your ching to his face kissing your lips softly. He closed his eyes after pulling away, as did you.
“Spirit with in…” You whisper falling asleep but the thought that entered your mind was left unsaid, but not lost of words that lingered in the back of your mind as you said it to your sleeping self ‘…the wind.’